2024 is Orwell’s 1984 updated
Winston Smith, the tragic hero of George Orwell’s bleak vision of the future, “1984” had a son – a best-kept secret. He led a carefree life until he abruptly encountered the merciless surveillance mechanisms of the hidden powers: cyber weapons like “Pegasus” and the most ruthless control instrument of 2024: CBDCs – Central Bank Digital Currencies.
This is his story. Welcome to 2024 – an updated version of 1984!
CBDCs can become the most dangerous control tool ever!
Digital Central Bank Currencies (CBDCs):
The Next Frontier in the Battle for Privacy and Freedom
In “1984”, only party members are subject to total surveillance – and yet in the real world, communism, Stasi-style or not, ultimately failed. In present-day 2024, however, EVERYONE is under surveillance.
Winston Smith from “1984” is steadily aware of the omnipresent surveillance yet grows increasingly careless over time – while his son Win, in 2024, is completely unaware of the seamless levels of control.
In “1984”, George Orwell depicted a bleak future world. I, on the other hand, draw a picture of reality which within a few short years – not decades, but merely years – will enslave people and lock them up with no easy escape without bloodshed.
While Winston Smith was a rather tragic figure from the beginning, Win is a successful graduate of an elite university who may still fulfill his potential. This is something Orwell could not have foreseen. If the Nazis had remained in power, and if Stalin had succeeded, we would also have woken up in a 1984 scenario. Fortunately, democracy triumphed.
Regrettably, we seem to increasingly forget the value of democracy as we grow up in a world of casino capitalism where a few individuals control the system thanks to arbitrarily generated currency.
The power of these predatory capitalists, in thrall to the dogma of shareholder value, is beginning to crumble as the monetary system, much like a pyramid scheme, collapses. Surveillance and control are seen as the only solutions to this dilemma – and thus “1984” becomes a reality for all!
Digital Central Bank Currencies (CBDCs):
The Next Frontier in the Battle for Privacy and Freedom

2024: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
The New Frontier in the Battle for Privacy and Freedom
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